
This page has all of the information from this website that you can download. 

You can print them out to read, or give to your family, friends, supports or health professionals.  

They are all together to help if you want to download a lot of things at once. You can print them at home if you have a printer, or you can go to a printing shop (like Officeworks).

There are two (2) parts to this page. 

The top part, called ‘For You’ has information in easy language with some plain language. Click here to go straight to the Downloads For You.

The bottom part, called “for Allies and Others” has easy language explanations of the information for Allies and Supporters. You can share these downloads with people that support you. The information to download is not in Easy Language. Click here to go straight to the Downloads for Allies and Others.

Several cartoon characters reading books and documents about all things LGBTIQA+

Downloads for you

This section has everything for YOU that you can download from this website. All of the information on this page is for you. All of the information on this page is in easy language or plain language. There are descriptions of each download in easy language.

What is the N D I A   L G B T I Q A + Strategy

This is a brochure.

It has 4 pages.

This brochure is in easy language.

This brochure explains:

  • What the N D I S  L G B T I Q A + Strategy is.
  • What the NDIS plans to do.
  • How the Strategy was made.

We all deserve love

This is a poster to download.

It is one page.

The poster is in easy language.

We all deserve love poster - so lets fight for it! 2 people in cafe having a coffee, with a colourful rainbow leading to the person in a motorised wheelchair.

The world needs love

This is a poster to download.

It is one page.

The poster is in easy language.

Queering the Air

This is a podcast.

This part of the podcast is in easy language.

This was recorded by the show “Queering the Air” the radio station 3CR. They invited people from “Rainbow Rights and Advocacy” to speak on the radio show.

“Rainbow Rights and Advocacy” are a self-advocacy group for L G B T I Q A + people with intellectual disability.

Click here to listen to more of Queering the Air.

Other episodes of the podcast are not in easy language.

Click on the Play button ( ►) above to listen to the podcast.

Connecting with L G B T I Q A + community

This is a booklet.

This booklet can help you to:

  • Meet other L G B T I Q A + people.
  • Find L G B T I Q A + groups.
Connecting with LGBTIQA+ community brochure cover

Saying Who You Are

‘We are LGBTQ People with Intellectual Disability’ Poster

This is a poster.

It is one page.

This poster was made by a group of 24 LGBTQ people with intellectual disability and supporters from Deakin University. They spent time talking about what helped them feel good about themselves. They came up with a list of statements. Then they talked to other people to ask if they agreed with the statements. The poster has the statements on it.

  • You can use this poster in your home.
  • You can also give it to other people in your community.
  • The poster can help people learn more about what you need to feel good about yourself.
  • The poster is in easy language.
we are LGBT people with intellectual disability :  This is what is important

‘Saying Who You Are’ Booklet
  • This is a booklet
  • It is a report.
  • This report was written by people who worked on a project together. The poster above came from this project.
  • The report is all about how the project worked.
  • The report is in easy language.
Deakin University Logo
Inclusion Designlab logo
Saying Who You Are report cover

Donating Blood

This is a booklet.

This booklet has information about:

  • What happens when you donate blood 
  • Who can donate blood 
  • Being L G B T I Q A + and donating blood

The booklet is in easy language.

Donating blood as an LGBTIQA+ person document cover

What we want you to know – A letter to health professionals

This is a letter. It has 2 pages.

This letter can help your doctor or other health professionals understand being a L G B T I Q A + person with disability. It was written to help doctors and health professionals understand the difference that they can make in our lives.

The letter has different ways that they can respect you and your identities. The letter has information about communication, gender and sexuality, and consent.

Our Rainbow Lives

This is a book. 

It is a bit different to other books. You can read this book alone, or a friend or supporter can read the left page while you read the right page.

This book is all about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual people! It is OK if you do not know what these words mean now. This book will help you learn about them.

Inclusion Designlab logo
Our Rainbow Lives book cover with many faces overlayed with a rainbow flag

Your rights as an LGBTIQA+ person with disability

These resources are NOT in easy language.

Inclusion Designlab worked with an organisation called Thorne Harbour Health to create information for L G B T I Q A + people with disability.

This information is in three guides. One is about your rights as an L G B T I Q A + person with disability. One is about getting ready for your N D I S planning meeting. The last guide is about how to make sure your needs as an L G B T I Q A + person are protected when you pay for support.

Inclusion Designlab logo
Download ‘Preparing for your NDIS Plan’

L G B T I Q A + Flags

This is a booklet.

It has 10 pages.  

This booklet shows you some of the types of rainbow flags, identity flags, and sexuality flags that you might see.  

There is an image of each flag, and a short description of what the flag means.  

There is also a short history of how the rainbow flag has changed since it was first made.  

Our rights as L G B T I Q A + people with disability in Australia

This is a booklet.

It has 4 pages.  

This booklet lists 10 of your rights as an L G B T I Q A + person with disability.  

These rights make sure that L G B T I Q A + people with disability are treated the same as anyone else in the community.

This booklet also comes with a copy for allies that is not in easy language. Go to the plain language copy.

Our Rights poster

This is a poster.

It has one (1) page.  

This poster is in Easy Language.  

You Have The Right to... poster

Staying Safe – Playing Safe

This page has a video is about staying safe when you are talking to people online that you have not met before.  

This video was made by Rainbow Rights and Advocacy. They are a self-advocacy group for L G B T I Q A + people with intellectual disability.

rainbow rights and advocacy logo

Downloads for allies and others

This page has information for allies and supporters of L G B T I Q A + people with disability.

All information that is on the website for allies and supporters can be downloaded or printed from here.

You can share these downloads with people that support you.

Each download has a description in easy language. The downloads are not in easy language.

Critical Appraisal Tool

This is a tool. It has 3 pages.

The Critical Appraisal Tool (CAT) is a way to check if information is accessible for L G B T I Q A + people with intellectual disability.

The tool can help allies and supporters decide if a website, booklet, or other information is helpful, and can be easily read and understood by the person they support.
Vrotocal Appraisla Tool brochure image

What we want you to know – A letter to health professionals

This is a letter. It has 2 pages.

This letter can help your doctor or other health professionals understand being a L G B T I Q A + person with disability. It was written to help doctors and health professionals understand the difference that they can make in our lives.

The letter has different ways that they can respect you and your identities. The letter has information about communication, gender and sexuality, and consent.

Our Rainbow Lives

This is a book. 

It is a bit different to other books. You can read this book alone, or a friend or supporter can read the left page while you read the right page.

This book is all about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and asexual people! It is OK if you do not know what these words mean now. This book will help you learn about them.

Inclusion Designlab logo
Our Rainbow Lives book cover with many faces overlayed with a rainbow flag

Sex is for everyone: for Occupational therapists supporting sexuality for people with intellectual disability

This is a booklet.

This booklet has information for Occupational therapists (sometimes called O Ts).

In this booklet, there is information to help Occupational therapists talk with L G B T I Q A + people with intellectual disability about sexuality and having sex.

There are some tips to help Occupational therapists get ready for a talk, and what they should look and listen for during the talks.  

There is also a list of other places to find information about sexuality and sex.

More Than Ticking A Box: L G B T I Q A + People with disability talking about their lives

This is a research report.

It has 56 pages.  

This report was written by Researchers at Deakin University. It was written after a project that spoke to L G B T I Q A + people with disability about their lives. The report talks about what L G B T I Q A + people with disability think about healthcare and the community. People shared good and bad things about when they have used healthcare or when they are in the community.

Deakin University Logo
Pride Foundation logo
Snow Foundation Logo
Broadtree Foundation logo
Inclusion Designlab logo
Victorian Government logo
rainbow rights and advocacy logo
More than ticking a Box cover

Dear Queers

This is a letter.

It has 2 pages.  

This letter is written to the L G B T I Q A + communities. It is from L G B T I Q A + people with disability.

This letter has been written to show the L G B T I Q A + community how to include people with disability.

There are tips for helping L G B T I Q A + people with disability feel welcome in the L G B T I Q A + community.

Dear Queers - letter to the community

Speech Pathologists who work with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

This is a booklet.

It has 4 pages.  

This booklet is for Speech Pathologists (sometimes calls Speech Therapists).  

This booklet has information about how to work with L G B T I Q A + people who use AAC. AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Someone who uses AAC uses items to help them talk or communicate in another way. This can look like a machine that talks for you, writing with pen and paper, using cards with words and pictures on them, or using Sign Language. There are many types of AAC that people use.

This booklet has some examples of words used in the L G B T I Q A + community that Speech Pathologists can use with a person with disability. There are also some tips for helping L G B T I Q A + who use AAC feel safe.  

Speech Pathologists Who Work in AAC - cover

Our rights as L G B T I Q A + people with disability in Australia

This is a booklet.

It has 4 pages.  

This booklet lists 10 of your rights as an L G B T I Q A + person with disability.

These rights make sure that L G B T I Q A + people with disability are treated the same as anyone else in the community.

This booklet also comes with a copy that is in easy language. Go to the easy-lanuage copy.

Your rights as an LGBTIQA+ person with disability

These resources are NOT in easy language.

Inclusion Designlab worked with an organisation called Thorne Harbour Health to create information for L G B T I Q A + people with disability.

This information is in three guides. One is about your rights as an L G B T I Q A + person with disability. One is about getting ready for your N D I S planning meeting. The last guide is about how to make sure your needs as an L G B T I Q A + person are protected when you pay for support.

Inclusion Designlab logo