
This information can help you find and use good support as an L G B T I Q A + person with disability.  

There is information about asking for and finding support that is safe for L G B T I Q A + people, and about how you and your supports can work well together.

There is also information about what the N D I S is doing for L G B T I Q A + people.

The information on these pages is for you.

Information in Auslan

What Is The NDIA L G B T I Q A + Strategy?

This page has information about the N D I A   L G B T I Q A + Strategy. It explains what the N D I A plans to do to support L G B T I Q A + people.

Dear Queers

This is a letter.

It has 2 pages.  

This letter is written to the L G B T I Q A + communities. It is from L G B T I Q A + people with disability.

This letter has been written to show the L G B T I Q A + community how to include people with disability.

There are tips for helping L G B T I Q A + people with disability feel welcome in the L G B T I Q A + community.

Dear Queers - letter to the community
2 cartoon characters with hard hats building a stylised webpage

More coming soon