I want help now
This page has information about support services you can contact if you do not feel well, or if you feel unsafe.
If there is an emergency, call 000 straight away.
An emergency could be:
- Your life is in danger
- Someone else’s life is in danger
- Someone is trying to hurt you
- Someone has been hurt really badly

If you need someone to talk to about being LGBTIQA+, you can contact the organisations listed here.
These organisations are for all people in Australia. It can be really good to talk to some of these people if you cannot wait to see a friend or health professional that you trust.
You might feel worried. You might be having a panic attack.

You might feel very sad or angry and be thinking about hurting yourself or other people.

If you feel these things, or feel something else very strongly, you can call the phone numbers or go to the websites below to chat with someone.

QLife Website: qlife.org.au
QLife gives free support to LGBTI people in Australia. The support is anonymous. This means that you do not have to tell them your name. If you talk with QLife, you will be talking to a peer. This means that you will be talking to an LGBTI person for support.
You can talk to QLife about lots of things. You can talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
You can call to talk to a person from QLife
You can chat online with a person from QLife
You can call or chat online with QLife between 3pm and midnight any day
Lifeline Website: www.lifeline.org.au
Lifeline gives free support to anyone in Australia who is feeling very upset. Lifeline helps people who feel like nothing is going to get better, and people who want to hurt themselves. Lifeline is a safe place to talk. You can talk about your needs, what you are worried about, and what is making you upset.
When you talk with Lifeline, you will be talking to a person who has been trained in mental health and emotions. They will listen to what you have to say and not judge you. They can help you to find support.
You can call to talk to a person from Lifeline
You can chat online with a person from Lifeline
You can text a person from Lifeline
You can call, chat online, or text Lifeline any time, any day
1800Respect Website: www.1800respect.org.au
1800RESPECT is a service for people who have lived through sexual assault or domestic violence and abuse (also called family violence and abuse). For LGBTIQA+ people, this can also look like the pressure to hide who you are, and look more ‘male’ or ‘female’, if your family home is not a safe place. 1800RESPECT is a safe place to talk about homo- bi- and trans-phobia that you have experienced.
You can call to talk to a person from 1800RESPECT
You can chat online with a person from 1800RESPECT
Click ‘online chat’ at the bottom of the page.
You can call or chat online with 1800RESPECT any time, any day
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