Connecting with community
The information on this page can help you to look for ways to meet other L G B T I Q A + people.
Are you an L G B T I Q A + person with intellectual disability? Would you like to meet other LGBTIQA+ person with intellectual disability?
Here are some ways to connect with the L G B T I Q A + community:
We all like to meet other people who are like us. It is also good to know what events and social groups are accessible to people with intellectual disability.
You can talk to someone who knows that you are L G B T I Q A + and who you feel comfortable talking to. They could be a support worker, a family member, or a friend.
They are someone who supports you being L G B T I Q A +.
They might be:
You can ask them:
How can I connect with the L G B T I Q A + community?
Are there any L G B T I Q A + events I can go to?
Are there any accessible L G B T I Q A + groups I can join?
Can you help me contact this
L G B T I Q A + group?
Finding community online
You can search online for information to connect with the L G B T I Q A + community. If you want to search for L G B T I Q A + information privately, you can:
Searching online for information
You can search for the terms below. (if you click on most of the search terms, it will open a google search)
If you feel uncomfortable
If you go to a L G B T I Q A + place that is not accessible, or that makes you feel uncomfortable, you can:
Tap the button below to download the “Connecting with Community” brochure”
Tap the button below to see other things you can download
Tap the button below to see a word list that explains the words underlined and bold