Making Research Inclusive
A talk about making research a safe place for L G B T I Q A + people with intellectual disability.
This video is for supporters and researchers. The video is 13:19 minutes long.
The video is not in easy language.
This video is from some of the researchers from the Rainbow Inclusion project. This video is an interview. The host asks the 2 researchers questions about making research safe and accessible for L G B T I Q A + people with intellectual disability.
In this video, they talk about a lot of things about data collection and research interviews including:
- Making assumptions about people, their identity, sexuality, and body parts. An assumption is when you think something about a person without asking first. An example of an assumption is seeing a person wearing a dress and thinking the use She/Her pronouns without asking them.
- Always keep learning. It is important to know that you might make mistakes, and that you cannot know everything about being inclusive. Every person is different and can be included in different ways. This is also called self-reflection.
- Making sure there is enough money to support inclusion. Inclusion can look like a lot of different things. It could be using an AUSLAN interpreter, or driving to meet someone in person at a private place. It is important to make sure there is enough money in the research so that you can be inclusive.
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